Originally Posted On April 10, 2015
With all the news about the Boston marathon bomber conviction the past few days, it has been on my mind a lot. As many of you know, I was present at the 2013 Boston Marathon with 10 of my teammates at the time and we were all greatly affected by the bombings. All the news has really taken a toll on me lately-- it's been surprisingly hard to watch and unfortunately unavoidable. I've seen pictures of my best friends plastered on the news, I've seen new videos that are honestly frightening and I've been reminded of how close we all were to such a violent event. It brings up a lot of hard emotions that I didn't expect. BUT, I have also been reminded of how damn lucky I am and we all are to be alive and to have suffered relatively small injuries. Lately, I've been really unmotivated and just plain blah-- wonky is what I like to call it. But sitting here, thinking of how strong my friends and I have been over the past two years and I can't help but get inspired. We--my friends, the city of Boston, myself-- are survivors. We have overcome more than I could have ever imagined. I am constantly inspired by the Boston Marathon bombing survivors. Survivors like Rebekah Gregory DiMartino are truly amazing human beings and I can't imagine what they have been through in the past two years. I am forever grateful that I experienced no physical injuries and truly amazed the survivors. Every new story I hear I am inspired and I will stay inspired. We have all survived in order to continue showing the world that good will always, always always conquer evil.
That's exactly what I did last year. I ran the Boston Marathon. I ran last year to prove that good can conquer evil. I ran because they messed with the wrong city. I ran because I was angry and sad and inspired all at the same time. I ran for the younger girls on my team, I ran for the city of Boston and I ran for myself. To prove just how strong we all are. To prove that I cannot be defeated that easily. And it felt really damn good. I was lucky to share the experience with two great friends, Collier and Kerry. Crossing that finish line was an experience I cannot articulate. I wasn't fast, I didn't break 5 hours even but I crossed the finish line and was so proud of myself and everyone out there on the course with me that day.
I was determined to end the marathon running and with a smile on my face. No matter what
Feeling pretty badass. I loved running with my Tufts singlet. so much support
Kerry & Collier training buddies and best friends
Looking at my marathon pictures and thinking about all the survivors, I realized it's time for me to snap out of it. It's time for me to get motivated and stay motivated. I have so many new opportunities coming in my future to make a real difference and I need to embrace them. I am here for a reason. No matter where I go, the city of Boston and my friends and family will carry me.
This year I will watching on Beacon Street and I can't wait. I can't wait to cheer my heart out for all the badass runners out there. I can't wait to cheer on Kate Applegate and Bobby Kleinau as they run their first marathon. I am so proud of them!
The Boston Marathon will always hold a special place in my heart. I will always be #BostonStrong and no one can take that away from me.
All smiles & a little sweaty. #BOSTONSTRONG #BOSTRONG.
I will leave you all with this beautiful tribute from Michelle Lewis.