originally written on Jan 30 2022

Happy Midwinter Friends!

As many of you know, a recent passion of mine is living in tune with the seasons of Mother Nature. It has led me to learn more about my Celtic origins and embrace celebrations and rituals from my ancestry. It has also brought me to new rituals, routines and celebrations that help me feel good, find joy and embrace where I am whether that is in the heat of summer or in the depths of winter.  I have another post coming soon about Seasons of life in general but for now, let’s celebrate Imbolc.

Imbolc is a midwinter celebration in the Wheel of the Year. It is generally celebrated around January 31st- February 1st. Some know it as Candelmas or St. Brigid’s Day. While it is usually colder than Yule, it is known as the first stirrings of Mother Nature as she re-emerges from her slumber and returns life to the world. It is a time to celebrate the first light and begin to search for the first small signs of spring. 

Now, you might look out your window and say- spring?! Really Kerry? It doesn’t look anything like spring out there. Especially because if you’re anywhere in the Northeast at the time this is originally being written (2022) we just got hit with a HUGE blizzard– blanketing Boston with Over 2 feet of snow. So yeah, not looking terribly like spring out there at the moment.

Depending on where you are, you might see some more significant tell-tale signs of spring like daffodils poking up ro greenery starting to brighten. If you’re in the Northeast, the main change I’ve noticed is the lengthening of days.  January always feels so dark and dreary and depressing. All I want to do is hibernate like the natural world around me– and honestly, from a seasonal living point of view, that is probably the BEST thing I can do. Over the past week, I have noticed the sun setting slightly later each day.  I head out to teach yoga at 4pm and I need my sunglasses for the drive.  I take the dog for a walk after work and the setting sun hits the windows in a soft glow. As much as winter hangs on, the sun lets us know that she is ready to show it off.  The days lengthen and the hope of spring doesn't feel too far off.

After months of turning inward, hibernating and resting, life is beginning to stir again.  I find that my personal and professional schedule is slow in January but as February creeps in, there is more and by the end of February, everyone seems to come out of the woodwork to say hi.  Our spirits rise and we all start to peak our heads out from under the covers. 

Spiritually, Imbolc is a time of new life coming into manifestation.  We may only be seeing bits and pieces here and there but the darkness is lifting and new beginnings are coming our way. We start to stretch and shake off what no longer serves us. We awaken to who we are and what we need. It’s a time of ritual cleansing– letting go of what no longer serves you and letting in what is yet to come.

Just like we clear out the garden each year in order to plant anew and welcome a vibrant, healthy life, we must do the same in our lives.  Imbolc is the final cleansing of our spirits and souls so we can prepare for all the new growth and activity coming our way. This can mean it is a time of BIG transition and change. And with that comes struggle.

Change isn’t easy. Transitions aren’t simple. Real change requires us to let go of what is comfortable and easy. IT requires that we set aside what has been and what we know to welcome in a new way of being.   It's uncomfortable and beautiful all at once.

Imbolc asks us to face these challenges head on. This is when our winter dreams come to life. All those intentions you set at the Winter solstice, all those New Year’s resolutions, all your hopes and plans and dreams for your year ahead, this is when they open up and take flight.  This is when the real fire of change is lit.  It can feel like we are being tested– do you REALLY want that? Is that REALLY calling your name? ARE YOU SURE?!

YES. You are ready. You are worthy. You can create the life you want to lead.

Take advantage of the energy of Imbolc– let nature and her stirrings guide you and support you as you do this powerful work of transformation into your true, most authentic self.

Some of my Favorite Ways to Celebrate:

  1. Takes cleansing bath

  2. Cleanse your space: Use Sage, Incense, A cleansing spray, or say a prayer

  3. Light Candles to welcome the sunlight

  4. Plan Your Spring Garden

  5. Clear your Space for New Beginnings- Spring Cleaning! Get rid of everything you don’t need and be honest– do you REALLY need that?

  6. Sun Walking: Chase the sun spots with me!

  7. Bless the Garden: Create a ritual or prayer to bless the garden and start fresh

  8. Take a walk outside and pay attention to nature in her current state. Write about the signs you observed that Spring is on its way. 

An Imbolc Reflection:

  1. Identify what brings inspiration and motivation to your life and evaluate how you can eliminate anything that deters you? Do your actions match your words?

  2. What seeds (metaphorical or physical) are you going to plant that you can reap next Samhain or Yule?

  3. Reflect on what word you chose for this year. Spend time meditating on how you’ve bee

  4. How do you define self love and compassion and what are you doing to bring more into your life emotionally, physically and spiritually?

  5. What’s something you learned about yourself last year that makes you feel powerful moving forward this year? Did you overcome a challenge?

  6. Write down 3 words that best describe this time of year. Better yet use them to write a poem

  7. How can I best nurture myself and others right now?

How do you celebrate imbolc?

I am hosting my FIRST seasonal celebration of 2023 and want YOU to join me.

Celebrate Midwinter with me: a transformational time of reawakening, intention setting and deep rest. We turn inward and reflection while continuing to nourish ourselves deeply and honor the stillness of home and heart.

When: Wednesday, February 1st 7-8pm

What: a mindful celebration of Midwinter, a way to connect deeper to the world around you.


What is Imbolc?


How To Winter Better