DIY BOdy Scrub

originally written on Jan 31 2016

Like I mentioned, I love crafts and I love DIY and I have gotten away from that the past year or so.  My newest venture has been into the world of essential oils and beauty.  For Christmas, I made my mom, sister and aunts body scrubs and they loved it!  I tried different oils and different "scrub" material.

The essential oils I used were eucalyptus, lemon, orange, and lavender in various different combinations. They all have various benefits that are helpful for different people.  I chose the oils based on the person I was giving them to and the benefits.  Everyone ended up loving their scents so I was really happy. Here are the benefits of the oils in regards to the skin and mood:

(*I am not a doctor and I am not using these essential oils to help fight certain diseases, illnesses or conditions. If you actually have a medical condition please consult a doctor.*)


  1. Natural disinfectant

  2. Improve complexion

  3. Leave skin supple and soft

  4. Uplift mood

  5. Fight depression

  6. Purification

  7. Immune support


  1. Natural antiseptic

  2. Calm respiratory problems

  3. Treat cuts, wounds, scrapes, etc.

  4. More restful sleep

  5. improve allergy symptoms


  1. acne treatment

  2. Ease Migraine Headache

  3. Promote Restful Sleep

  4. Treats Wounds and Cuts

  5. Treats Sunburns

  6. Relax Mind

  7. Reduce Stress


  1. Improve immunity

  2. Natural antibacterial

  3. Circulation booster

  4. Anti inflammatory

  5. Mood Booster

  6. Acne Fighter

  7. Protect Skin


  1. first aid oil

  2. treats acne

  3. treats skin conditions

  4. natural cleanser

I used a few different types of the "scrub" portion.  I made half with Epsom Salt and half with Brown sugar.   I personally thought the Epsom Salt melted a little bit when I started putting it on in the shower.  The brown sugar was a little bit tougher and felt more like a scrub for the skin.

My newest recipe was a Brown Sugar Wild Orange Recipe:

  1. 1 cup of Brown Sugar **

  2. 2/3 cup of coconut Oil

  3. 2 teaspoons of JoJoba Oil

  4. 20 drops of Wild Orange Essential Oil

  5. 20 drops of Melaleuca Essential Oil.

I used it in the shower tonight and it was amazing.  I love coconut oil on my skin after the shower-- it's so moisturizing and feels great on the skin. The brown sugar combination made my skin feel extra smooth and wonderful. Highly recommend it.

** you can also use pink himayalan salt— lately, I have been using that and been LOVING it!





Yoga & Essential Oils For Better Sleep