Friday Favorites 11.18.2022

Here are a few of my favorite things:

Reading: I recently drove back and forth to Boston for some client care and it was my first time back in the city when I wasn't moving or attending a wedding (or most times both lol). after a full week, the two hour drive felt daunting but I chose a new audiobook and holy heck did that make the drive SO MUCH more enjoyable. I almost didn't want to stop driving because the book was so good. I listened to Malice house by Megan Shepard. It was creepy and mysterious in all the best ways— a creepy inherited home, a creepy manuscript found in the attic, bizarre things going on and a hint of something otherworldly. HIGHLY recommend, but you might want to leave the lights on while you read and check under the bed twice before you fall asleep.

Tea: I used to have tea all the time before bed but I have gotten away from that ritual recently. I think partly because I have been taking my Gut Personal Supps before bed and they are in liquid form AND because I am not having as much trouble sleeping. Tea used to feel necessary to fall asleep but every since the move, my sleep as been so much better. I attribute my better sleep to a few things: Our bedroom is now our bedroom only— I don't bring my laptop or any work into the bedroom. If I have to work late, I stay downstairs. We also try to only watch TV downstairs unless it's a special occasion. On top of that, I have been reading most nights before, I've added Gut Personal magnesium to my nightly routine (MAGIC for sleep, stress and regular bowel movements) and our bedroom is just so cozy.

So that was a long side note to say, as the weather gets colder, I get back into my tea more and more each day. I recently tried the Lucid Dreaming blend before bed from Anima Mundi Herbs in New york and loved it!

Skin: I just restocked on Belief face moisturizer that my little sister saved me with last year. My skin was so so dry last Jan/Feb/March and nothing felt like it quenched it. Thanks lil sis came in clutch with Belief. It's expensive-ish and I don't know how "natural" it is but it truly works. I live by the 80/20 rule right now with products— honestly more 90/10— I try to make 90% of my home chemical free so if a few things sneak in, it's okay. I found stressing about 100% natural increased my anxiety (and at times, broke the bank)

Nourishment: Protein, protein and more protein. I have been really into BIG breakfast or some days second breakfasts. I usually have second breakfasts on the days I teach because I know I need a little something before I teach or right after I teach but I also know I hate teaching on a full stomach. Lately, a warm protein filled breakfast as been calling my name. My go to: local maple brekky sausages, eggs (2-3 scrambled), avocado, honey goat cheese, potatoes. And if I have more time sweet potatoes and bacon

Rituals: I think I mentioned this last week but I have taken my journaling to our little landing/hallway upstairs which also serves as our library. Chris helped me move a bigger, comfier chair that I can cross my legs in (and it's super soft and squishy). It has slowly turned into my favorite ritual. On top of that, I have started bringing my lemon water AND my coffee with me so I am encouraged to stay a moment longer. I bought peppermint mocha creamer and it really is just heavenly.

Listening: There is a rule in our house for no Christmas Music until after Thanksgiving BUT I found the most perfect playlist for all things YULE and Winter Solstice. It's not your traditional Christmas music but it does feel seasonally appropriate. To be honest, this time between Samhain and Thanksgiving, I have been alternating between the Samhain Playlist and the Yule Playlist depending on how I am feeling. Both playlist are from someone on Spotify named Kat Steele, I have listened to a lot of their seasonal playlist and I am obsessed, next I think I am going to listen to Forest Witch playlist.

Bath: I felt very luxurious this past week and I put dried roses from our garden in the bathtub. Not only did they smell fabulous but I felt like a god damn princess. We had our first snowstorm on Tuesday night so I saved some from the last snow and just dried them for the next bath— somehow they smell EVEN better.

Movement: As some of you may know, I have my first Ski Trip of the Season coming up with my Dad and Sister on December 8th. We are heading out to Vail, CO and I am super stoked. Because of my impending trip, I have been religiously following my ski prep program. I am over halfway through Week 2 and I am feeling good. I slightly tweaked my chronic hip injury in yoga last week so mindful strength program I created for Ski Prep has been serving my hip well and helps keep the stoke high for ski season.

What are some of your favorite things lately?


How to truly rest your nervous system


Mindfulness in physical therapy