Episode 28: Pain, Healing, burn out and more
On today's solo episode, I share some of my recent reflections on pain. Often as a Physical Therapist, I wonder WHY so many people go through their daily lives in pain and discomfort. I realized that I have allowed a certain level of pain and discomfort live in my daily life.
In this episode, I break down some of the reasons I think we as individuals allow pain to perpetuate in our lives (hint: it's not your fault), some ideas of what you can do if you are in this space and some general reflections on healing long term pain and discomfort.
Pain sucks, healing is hard and sometimes it is downright frustrating. This episode is for you if you are feeling alone and frustrated in your healing journey. you're not alone and you're not crazy, give it a listen:)
P.s. Gut Personal is currenyl having a HUGE Sale on their gut testing program-- The Gut Fix. I personally went through it in Sept of 2022 and it was a game changer!! From November 13th 2023- November 17th 2023 you can get $300 off Gut Testing with the code KERRY300! Head to Gutpersonal.com to learn more!
Here is the episode I did with Gut Personal's Lead dietician Jillian Smith
Thanks for joining me! To learn more about Kerry McGinn and Live Good Feel Good, give me a follow below:
Instagram: @dr.kerrymcginn
Website: www.kerrymcginn.com
Youtube: Live Good, Feel Good
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