How to Feel Good

I truly believe that everything person deserves to feel good in their minds, bodies and souls and I think it's incredibly possible. Sometimes, you just need a little bit of guidance. In our modern health, wellness and healthcare world, that guidance cane be hard to come by, confusing and expensive.

There are so many different people out there, practitioners, influencers, gurus. doctors, friends who want to tell you that their way is the BEST way to feel good. There is a lot of what I like to call my way or the highway syndrome. and it can be frustrating and confusing.

Unfortunately, what works for one person doesn't always work for another. so when you go and try the latest fad and it doesn't work, that can leave you feeling like an utter failure.

But how do you find what works for you? The same workout, stress management and nutrition plan is not meant for everyone. We are all unique people with unique bodies living in different environments and experiencing different things each days. That is a LOT of variables. I cannot sit here and tell you, in order to feel good you ONLY need to do X, Y and Z. I just can't.

What I can do, is show you all the different ways to get to know your body, learn to listen and learn to move better so YOU can find what fuels your feel good.

And that is really where it starts— learning to listen to your body and it's signals. It starts with noticing how certain activities, food, movement, people, supplements and even weather makes you feel. It starts with noticing what sensations and thoughts you have on a day to day basis. Most people these days are on autopilot and don't know or realize that certain aspects of their lives consistently make them feel crappy.

I've been there with things from people to jobs, from movement to food. Sometimes you are so focused on moving forward and figuring out what is next, that you don't stop and notice what is now. Like hey, every time I eat gluten, I feel like utter crap? or every time I hang out with X, I feel anxious. These things happen and we don't always notice them because we are so used to pushing through for the sake of productivity or because we feel like we should.

and ultimately, it leads to overall not feeling good at all.

So if you really want to feel good, the first step is getting to know yourself.

Try these 4 things to get better in touch with your mind and body on a daily basis:

  1. Daily Check in: Check out this YouTube video I made for my Nourish Your Nervous System clients as a guided way to check in with their bodies each day.

  2. 5 body check in: Ask yourself the following questions each day:

    • How am I feeling physically?

    • How am I feeling mentally?

    • How am I feeling emotionally?

    • How is my breathe?

    • How is my energy?

    • Let this give you a good baseline as to where you are.

  3. 5 Senses Meditation: Check in with your 5 senses as a meditation to see what sensations you notice each day

  4. Journal: Take 5 minutes everyday to right how you feel. One of my clients calls it a weather report. Stream of conscious write the thoughts in your head and the sensations in your body.

    (p.s. if you want to enjoy more of my meditation— I upload at least 2 meditations a week over on Aura. Use THIS link for free 30 days)

Start here and stay tune for more feel good tips coming soon🙂


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