Is there a right way to exercise?

originally written on Sept 12 2019

The short answer is, no.

The long answer, well bear with me….

I have been in the wellness field since college. I started off as a personal trainer and physical therapy aide.  I then became a registered yoga teacher and last but not least, a Doctor of Physical Therapy. Over my years in the field and the years of my own health struggles/fitness journey/wellness journey, a lot as changed.  A lot has changed in the wellness industry and a lot has changed in the fitness industry. A lot has changed in how I approach things like nutrition, fitness, stress, health and taking care of myself

It’s the end of 2019 and wellness is hot right now. Boutique fitness classes, yoga retreats, green juice, intermittent fasting. There are hundreds of different types of workouts to perform and tons of ways to zen out. I swear most of the people I meet have become a yoga teacher or maybe that is just who I See on a daily basis.

Overall, most people know that exercise is important.  The thing most people don’t know is that there is NO perfect exercise program. There is no right way or only way. Even within a movement practice, there is no one way to move. On top of that there is no wrong way to move.  I see so many physical therapists and even more so, doctors vilify certain types of exercises or movements.  I’ll be honest this used to be me.  A couple of years ago, I was working with a lot of ex cross fitters. Ex because they were significantly injured performing cross fit.  I assumed (never assume) at the time that cross fit was bad for you because everyone was getting injured.  What I didn’t realize was that one shitty cross fit gym, didn’t mean that all cross fit was bad for you. The realization that cross fit was not inherently bad hit me in the face after I learned a lot about how my body liked a variety of movements.  Also, when I started having a ton of people tell me that “Physical Therapy doesn’t work for me.”  Just like cross fit, just because you had ONE (or even two) shitty physical therapists does not mean that physical therapy does not work for you. It is a profession, not a person but I digress.

Over the past 5-10 years of learning about movement, practicing a variety of movement in my own body and helping others find movement they like, I’ve seen a wide variety of types of exercises. Rock climbing, yoga, pole dancing, acro yoga, lyra, silks, HIIT, weight lifting, running, barre, spinning, contortionists, circus performance, zumba,  I could keep going but you get the point..  Everyone who falls in love with a type of exercise thinks it is the BEST exercise in the world. Guess what? It is the best exercise in the world… for you!

Exercise is not one size fits all and that is why it can be so hard. You are sitting there reading this and you want me to tell you that there is a perfect exercise. That this one thing will make you happier and healthier, stronger and sexier.  Well unfortunately, I can’t do that. 

There is no right way to exercise.

Let me repeat that again…. there is no right way to exercise.

But there is a right way for you and there is a plethora of exercises to try! It might take you a little while to find your favorite exercise but I promise it is out there.  So you might have to drag yourself to some workouts that aren’t the best but you might end up with some hilarious stories… like the time I tried pole dancing and just flailed upside down for an hour because I was too afraid to actually stay there.

So the answer to the burning question is…

No, there is no right way to exercise but there is a right way to exercise for you.  There is a right way to feel good in your body and optimize your physical and mental health. You can find a way to exercise that you genuinely enjoy and want to show up and do. You will feel good performing this exercise AND you will want to do MORE. Crazy, right?

Here’s the thing, you deserve to feel good in your body. You deserve to feel happy, strong, capable, and proud. You deserve it all and you can have it. 

The first step to finding exercise that fits you is to have an open mind. The second step is to explore. The third step is to have some freaking fun doing it-- not matter how ridiculous you look. (and if you are really nervous about trying something new… bring a friend. It makes for funnier stories, I promise)

Want more guidance?  Here is how you can work with Kerry:

  1. 1:1 Coaching Session: Currently accepting virtual AND in person clients for weekly programming of mindfulness, mobility and strength.

    • Meet with Kerry weekly and bi-weekly to workout

    • Get a fitness program that works for you

    • Add in mobility, meditation, nervous system regulation, roll outs and more

  2. 1:1 Stress MAnagement Coaching: current accepting virtual and in person clients

    • meet with kerry weekly and bi weekly

  3. 1:1 Physical Therapy sessions: Currently accepting virtual in the state of MA AND in person clients

    • acute and chronic pain clients looking to get back out and adventure

    • address total mind, body and wellness

  4. Ski Prep 101: Always open for enrollment, Sign up here! A weekly training program, including:

    • Three 45-minute strength workouts, adapted specifically for your home environment

    • One 45-60 minute yoga class

    • One myofascial release video

    • Cardio Recommendations

    • One Breathwork session to optimize cardiac output on the slopes and to connecting mind, body & breath.

4. City to Summit The Foundation: always open for enrollment, Sign up here!

This 4-Week course will prepare you to climb that mountain! Get in shape for hiking, improve outdoor performance, and prevent injury ALL FROM HOME. This is one of the only programs that targets hiking preparation from all angles.

5. Holistic Fitness program : available for 3 spots for DECEMBER 2022!

This service is a monthly service

  • Each month includes a 50 minute introduction video call

  • Within 48 hours, you will receive a 4 week program to fit your needs.

  • Each month, we check in, review the past program, make adjustments and celebrate YOU!

  • This requires at least a 2 month commitment because let’s be real, real change takes time.

Got Questions? Shoot me an email at


Friday Favorites 12.9.22


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