Jumpstart your Fitness Routine Today

originally written on Nov 4 2019

Soooo everyone is deep the throes of the Holiday season. There is gift giving, holiday parties, holiday cookies, chocolate, alcohol and all sorts of fun. I am not immune to these things and I honestly don’t know anyone who is.  And if you think you are, you are probably lying to yourself. Or you are 10 seconds from a big ole holiday binge. Either way, it’s the holiday season and if you ask me, it is freaking AMAZING.

Yes, it is rather indulgent and a little lavish but it is also cozy and warm and joyous.  I don’t know about you but there is something about twinkly lights that just makes me feel good. Regardless of if you are loving this time of year or hating it, you are probably feeling it.  

I speak to so many people who say something along the lines of :

“Ugh I need to burn these cookies off.” OR “I want to jumpstart my fitness routine but it is totally not worth it right now, I will just wait until all these parties are over.” OR “I can’t wait for the New Year to get back into a good routine.”

To that I say, WHY WAIT?

Why are you waiting to feel good in your body? Why are you waiting to do the things you want to do, to make the changes you want to make?  

Side Note: This is NOT to say you NEED to burn off that cookie or you have to sweat out the alcohol.  IF that is the only reason you want to start working out, I’d encourage you to dig a little deeper and to be a little kinder to yourself.  I’d also guess that exercise is not going to make you feel better about that cookie or glass of champagne.  Believe me, I’ve been there. Exercising to punish yourself does not stick. It doesn’t feel good and you don’t see the physical or mental effects of exercise.

So seriously, why are you waiting to make the changes in your life?  

It’s too cold, you’re too busy, you don’t want where to start, you’re lazy. NONE of these things are going to change in the New Year… unless you make the change. #realtalk

You can jumpstart your Fitness routine today, in a way that is enjoyable and feels good. Seriously, you can do it!

5 Steps to JumpStart Your Fitness Routine:

  1. Start Small:  You don’t have to go for a 5 mile run or even do a full hour workout. Start with a 10 minute walk, with 15 minutes of stretching or a 10 minute AMRAP

  2. Try new things:  There are tons of ways to get FREE fitness. You can do free trials of online subscription companies, you can get free weeks at yoga studios or other fitness studios, you can scour instagram for a workout that looks fun (but be careful who is posting it!

  3. Go for a Walk: I know it’s cold outside and I know it gets dark early but lately, my boyfriend and I have been going for midday walks on the weekends and let me tell you it is magical!  We find some place that feels like an escape from the city and we bundle up and walk in the sun. The crisp air, the sun beating down on you and the last glimpse of leaves before they hibernate is exhilarting

  4. Workout at home: Working out does no need to be some big production.  Claim some space in your living room or bedroom and lay down a yoga mat. Start with some squats nad lunges, maybe some push ups and mountain climbers. There is plenty you can do in your own home with NO equipment needed. Want some inspiration? Check on this AMRAP at ome-- all you need is socks!

  5. Just Start, TODAY: The only way to really jumpstart your fitness routine is to just do the damn thing. Stop talking about it, stop planning it. Just freaking do it.  Today.  


I get it, the holiday season can be hard. There are parties with lots of fun goodies, there are hangovers following said parties.  There is traveling to parents and in laws-- tiny spaces with minimal workout space. You can have all the best intentions and none of the follow through. Well that’s why I’m here, to help turn those intentions into motivation into action.

Want more guidance?  Here is how you can work with Kerry:

  1. 1:1 Coaching Session: Currently accepting virtual AND in person clients for weekly programming of mindfulness, mobility and strength.

    • Meet with Kerry weekly and bi-weekly to workout

    • Get a fitness program that works for you

    • Add in mobility, meditation, nervous system regulation, roll outs and more

  2. 1:1 Stress MAnagement Coaching: current accepting virtual and in person clients

    • meet with kerry weekly and bi weekly

  3. 1:1 Physical Therapy sessions: Currently accepting virtual in the state of MA AND in person clients

    • acute and chronic pain clients looking to get back out and adventure

    • address total mind, body and wellness

  4. Ski Prep 101: Always open for enrollment, Sign up here! A weekly training program, including:

    • Three 45-minute strength workouts, adapted specifically for your home environment

    • One 45-60 minute yoga class

    • One myofascial release video

    • Cardio Recommendations

    • One Breathwork session to optimize cardiac output on the slopes and to connecting mind, body & breath.

4. City to Summit The Foundation: always open for enrollment, Sign up here!

This 4-Week course will prepare you to climb that mountain! Get in shape for hiking, improve outdoor performance, and prevent injury ALL FROM HOME. This is one of the only programs that targets hiking preparation from all angles.

5. Holistic Fitness program : available for 3 spots for DECEMBER 2022!

This service is a monthly service

  • Each month includes a 50 minute introduction video call

  • Within 48 hours, you will receive a 4 week program to fit your needs.

  • Each month, we check in, review the past program, make adjustments and celebrate YOU!

  • This requires at least a 2 month commitment because let’s be real, real change takes time.

Got Questions? Shoot me an email at contact@kerrymcginn.com


Is there a right way to exercise?


Friday Favorites 11.30.22